Tuesday 23 June 2015

A Starting Point

I am going to have a go at writing a blog.  I hope to access enough courage to speak the whole truth about my thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, and fears.  I want the reader to try and understand where I'm coming from as a person even if they don't agree with what I've done or my perspective.  To those who are reading this and know me personally, I don't know what you will make of some of this.  I can't say for sure that my story is all that compelling but I will let the reader decide.   I am writing this as I believe it might be a therapeutic or cathartic process for me.  If anyone gets anything out of reading this blog than that’s fantastic, if not well that’s fine, it helps me at least.  This first paragraph is an introduction so without further ado.  My Name is Kevin, I'm a New Zealander from Waikuku Beach in Canterbury.   I view myself as a reasonably intelligent and well informed person.  I am a mostly normal man, accept there is always an elephant in the room with me, always.  Everyone has a point of difference or something that sets them apart from others, mine is just much more noticeable.  I'm quadriplegic as a result of a progressive and physically debilitating muscle wasting disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.  The thing that makes my disease outwardly obvious for everyone is the 'power wheelchair' that I use for my mobility.  I am twenty-five and there are lots of things’ that haven't happened for me that many, if not most people take for granted.  Yes, I have learned how to relay something really terrible in the least words possible.  I hope I don't sound bitter or depressed because ninety-five percent of the time I'm not in a 'bad' state of mind.  I will be brief and go into things in more depth in later blogs.

Why am I writing this now? 

         I am writing this now because I am twenty-five years old and suddenly I find myself in crisis.  I may not be the only twenty-five year old in crisis but I can only speak for myself.  What sort of a crisis you may ask... Well an existential one, a crisis of existence.  Why am I here?  What is my purpose?  Will I ever have romantic relationships?  Will I ever have a partner and children?  Will I contribute anything to society?  What would people say about me if I die tomorrow, what would be my legacy?  I am sure that many people struggle with some if not all of these questions.  Then again most people (a generalisation, I know) my age don't ask the relationship question in terms of 'will I ever?'.  I doubt that most contemplate the 'if I die tomorrow?' quite as much as I do either.   There are emotional, intellectual, spiritual, sexual elements to the crisis I am in.  To be human means you will have crisis or catastrophe in your life no matter who you are, rich or poor, fat or thin, able or disabled.  The origin point for this state I find myself in is as a result of a really big change of circumstance in my life.  Things are really going well for me in spite of how it might seem. 
       I have long wanted to write about my thoughts and views but was quite caught up in self-doubt or even self-hate.  I want to find a way to make a difference in people's lives.  I feel that I am in a great deal of debt to the people who care for and love me.  I feel that I have had so much care and compassion shown to me that its time I pay it forward, so to speak.  I don’t know that writing a blog is the best way to do it but it's a start.  I think it is best to start close to you and then branch out from there.  Thus, I have begun to contact other people affected by Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and/or their families to try and help them by telling my story, giving them advice, or just listening to what they have to say.  This blog is about reaching out to the broader public.  Perhaps I can do something about the horrible misconceptions many people have about disability and the individuals who live with it..  It is time I start using this mind that I'm so grateful for.   Until next time, peace and love to you.  Kevin J

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